not very often I meet someone who impresses me with their fishing prowess, or their line of bullshit
for that matter, but occasionally I do come across such an individual, and being in a position to
bestow recognition upon their souls for accomplishment of such nature, as master of this here web site.
I can get away with making them recognized should I so choose! Back when I was trying to get the site
found by search engines, well... back when I was initially trying to get the site found by search
engines, (I'm always trying to get it found)... and I was begging links on every
fishing site I could
find on the internet, (which believe me that is a bunch of them folks!) I stumbled across
Crappie Magic.
Kansas Crappie Fishing Guide and
Crappie Tackle Manufacturer - Mike Simpson's little spot on the web, looked
like a likely candidate for reciprocal link. So I e-mailed the standard, "Hey could I have a link on your
web site dude?" request, and received reply from Mike, owner and webmaster of
Crappie Magic. At that point, I gained respect for his line of bull. I know he certainly topped mine, and he was
right up there with several masters I've known all my life in that respect! We found we had a lot in common, have
remained in touch, and he has every since, blessed me with pictures to support his success as a
Master Crappie
Fisherman, and tackle manufacturer, thus gaining my respect for his
fishing prowess as well, and such in general,
because he catches other fishes like the white bass below left, and there are pictures of a couple of rather large
Kansas Catfish he hauled in on ultra-light crappie tackle, seen at the bottom of the page here.
I keep trying to convince him I'm a Crappie Fisherman at heart and that if he keeps sending those pictures, one of
these mornings he's going to wake up and find me camped on his doorstep down there in
Kansas, Crappie Tackle and Rods
in hand, but apparently he's lonely, or he just doesn't believe me one, as he just keeps on sending them! By the same
respect maybe that's his way of sending an invite to come to Kansas crappie fishing too. I used to have a wife like
that, could not for the life of her figure out how to simply say "thank you" for something. Had to make a
scene, tell you that you didn't need to do that, it wasn't necessary, she didn't get you nothing, or couldn't get you
anything, or she'd just down right complain about things, when in fact she truly loved them. We're back on speaking
terms and getting along rather well, and she's still that way! A $10 Candle from Wal-Mart elicited 15 minutes of
complaints about my buying her a Christmas gift, because she was beside her self that I had thought of her at Christmas.
But, I really don't think that's the case with Mike, as given his introduction way back when, there is little doubt
in my mind, this guy's never at a loss for words! Believe me folks it was a riot!!
Unfortunately Mike is a state or two away, or I'd have already camped out on his
Kansas doorstep! His day is coming very shortly
however, as I'm presently not involved with anyone of the female persuasion to say, "No, you cannot go to
Kansas Crappie Fishing!" or "No, you cannot go to Kansas Crappie Fishing without me!" In any respect,
I've got no ties holding me here, and I'm getting real tired of looking at sub-zero temps of late, so you better look
out Mike! Speaking of which we're having a heat wave at the time of this writing folks, it is all the way up to -10 f.
at 06:00 hours, exceeding the high for all day yesterday, by about 10 degrees! Had a -30 something, showing yesterday
at this time. So yes Southern Kansas and Crappie Fishing in 30 degree weather would be damned enjoyable about now!
One might ask what the key to Mike's Crappie Fishing success is which I can tell you that the answer to that one is
deep folks! Mike will probably tell you that it's his
Crappie Magic Tackle,
which having seen a bit of that, the attention to every little detail he pays to
his hand poured, hand painted, hand detailed,
and hand tied crappie jigs has got to pay off somewhere, so yes we'll give him that one! I'd also give him an E for effort, the guy
never quits fishing. No matter what time of year, no matter what the weather, he's out there harassing the
fish some where! I recall
e-mails concerning a fish fry for Thanksgiving rather than Turkey, and there was a trip at Christmas, and mention of one at New Years.
Speaking from experience, two factors come into play in that respect, 1.) you're more in tune with where to find the
fish, and 2.) your
odds improve simply out of sheer perseverance! I mean let's face it, if you only
catch fish 50% of the time and you go 12 times, your
odds are way better than someone who catches fish every time and only goes once! (And, as we all know... they were just lucky
As for how all the rest of you might try and sneak up on a bit of Mike's infinite
Crappie Magic
wisdom... click that link right there, eh! There you will find more than a few tips from the
master crappie fisherman himself,
a shopping cart where you can purchase his Crappie Tackle, and an e-mail address where you can ask thousands of questions about
Crappie or Crappie Fishing in general so that he's as tied to his computer as I am too mine, and doesn't have time to go
fishing anymore,
and antagonize me with countless pictures of very large Kansas Crappie!!
If you're in South Central Kansas, by all means look Mike up, rumor has it he runs a
guide service down there, showing others the
Crappie Hotspots and how to make the Magic in the
Crappie Magic Tackle work!
Hauling in the slab crappies left and right, and taking pictures and sending them to Rocky to torment him while he's tied to his
computer and schoolwork!
And, be sure to check out Mike's Favorite Deep Fried Crappie Recipe on the Recipe Page!
The remainder of the Crappie Magic Photo Album is found below, Mike was kind enough to resend a
Boatload of Crappie Pictures to
fill out the page here! Click on these or any of the thumb-nailed photos on this page to view their full sized cousins!
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